Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Knitting Night

Dear Loopy Ewes,
Well, its Tuesday afternoon and I (along with a couple of other ewes) am wondering where and when knitting might be tomorrow night. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but I am also wondering if the lack of interest in the blog is reflecting an attitude about knitting night. I have a couple of things
I want to bring up and I think it is important that EVERYONE who wants to participate weighs in...

1) A plan or schedule for the next month or two might be helpful to those of us who like to "plan"

2) Since we are having people over to our homes a system of RSVPing through the blog might be helpful as well. Of course we all understand that plans change and things come up, but as a courtesy to the hostess it would be nice to let her know!

3) Ingrid brought up meeting every other week not that long ago. I do think that making dates of every first and third Wednesday (for example) could work! Thats just my two cents!

So, I know we are all very busy in our day to day activities, but I would like to hear if anyone has feedback or anything at all to say about the future of the Loopy Ewes!



Loopy Ewes said...

Thanks for the blog, DL. I just e-mailed asking where we are meeting. We could be here,but I don't want to mess up the alphabetical thing.I just can't remember who's next.
I think your ideas are good, let's have a talk on Wed, wanna? I think we are all busy too, and maybe a change is in order, who knows? I'll keep checking here for plans for tomorrow. Thanks, Jude

Anonymous said...

I think those are all good suggestions. I'm not sure where we're meeting this week either.
Just tell me where to go (nicely) and I'll be there.

Dawn said...

It's Ingrid's turn this week. I'll update the schedule. ☺

see you all tomorrow.

take care,

Loopy Ewes said...

I think you definitely bring up some good points, DL, as we seem not to possess the fervor we once had. Maybe we can talk about it tomorrow, like Judi said.

On an aside note, I can't attend or host next week, due to the hubby's birthday, so I'm not sure if you guys just want to cancel or hold it elsewhere. I've been battling a sinus infection, so there's a chance I might be MIA tomorrow as well.


Unknown said...

I'm glad you posted DL. You bring up some great points. I agree that we should talk about it tonight and figure out what works best for everyone.

I was wondering where we were meeting too. I honestly had no clue. DK sent me a message yesterday that she thought it was at my house. So Wendy, you can just go... to my house ;)

Kathleen, hope you're feeling better and that we'll see you tonight.

Kari said...

Hi Everyone, As a newbie to the group, I just want to say THANK YOU to all of you for making me feel so welcome. I have really enjoyed hanging out with you all:) I am planning on coming to Ingrid's tonight. See you there- Kari

Loopy Ewes said...

Hi there, I am not coming tonight, came home and just decided to veg out. Sorry, I really want to be in on discussion, but go ahead and talk it out. I am all for 2x month, or whatever, and if the consensus is no food, one person doing food, whatever, let's make it simple and try to keep having fun. Love, Jude