Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A sheepish tale...

Once there was a girl, we'll call her Shawnelle. Shawnelle shared stories of the far away lands where she used to live in in a place called T-Town. T-Town was a unique land. In this land there were both sheep and cows. Now sometimes the sheep would play (in) the field and the cows didn't know, other times the cows would play (in) the field and the sheep didn't know. Shawnelle was the keeper of their secrets! One day Shawnelle met her old friend the cow, who talked about the big field that his sheep was playing in. Shawnelle knew that the tangled web her four legged friends were spinning would be needling her for years to come. In this tight knit community the truth would be hard to keep to herself. She knew one day that they would sock her hard with their news. She would be weaving in all the pieces to the story that she felt she could handle with out much knit picking! Shawnelle turned to her long time companion, the Shawnald and cast off all of her fears about her friends. She would turn on her heels in a heart beat not to let her friends slip one over on her!

There you fairy tale recap of a story. Remember I've used poetic license to create this masterpiece! There will be no carry over on any other post. I'm bound to keep my word! Do not let my humor slip and pass you over. My purls of wisdom have been knit together so that you may climb the ladder of expertise that I have found!

take care,
Dawn K


Unknown said...

You are way too funny girl! And I think you missed your calling - you should have been a writer.

Thanks for the recap. It was fun getting together. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ingrid, I think you missed your calling.

Anonymous said...

How are you ever going to explain that to Kathleen...I can't wait to hear!!
Thanks for the recap...what a sport you are!

Loopy Ewes said...

Dawn, this is the funniest thing I ever read, and I don't even know what inspired it. I think I missed a good night of knitting, darn!! See you Wed. Judi

Loopy Ewes said...

Hmmm . . . sounds like I missed an interesting night! What were you Loopies up to anyway? ;-) What a clever tale, DK!

Anonymous said...

Have a good time this week, Loopies. I won't be able to make it.