Thursday, January 15, 2009

Swap Anyone?

Hello Loopy Ewes!  I'm not sure if I scared everyone away from commenting on last week's post or prevented a report from last night, but . . . here's what I said last week: "You know, with DL counting up her dishcloths and seeing Ingrid's dishcloth in action, it gives me a great idea for a fun little swap, maybe in February?  Dishcloth Swap II!  What do you think? :-)"

What do you think, Loopy Ladies? Are you up for another little swap?  We can figure out the details later.  I just figured that I'd feel out the group to see whether all of "ewe" are game or not.

By the way, how was knitting last night?  I'm sorry I missed the loopy fun.  Anyone want to fill me in?  :-)

Have a good weekend, Loopy Ewes!
Kathleen :-)


Anonymous said...

Dishcloth swap sounds fun!!! For Valentines Day??

Anonymous said...

Count me in.

Loopy Ewes said...

Thanks guys! I was wondering where the love was. ;-) K

Dawn said...

Right now I don't feel up to it.


take care,

Loopy Ewes said...

Oh, DK, are you OK? You have some time to think about it, because I wasn't planning a due date until 2/25 or 3/4 (as long as that's alright with all the other Loopies) We can all chat about it on Wed. ♥ K

Dawn said...

I'm fine. I'm just not in the mood for a swap. I guess I'm over tired and a bit cranky! But I still love ya all!


take care,

Unknown said...

on a separate note - I love the ♥♥♥'s

Unknown said...

Just wanted to let you guys know that I won't be at knitting on Wednesday.
See you next week :)